seezeit Logo
Die Aaseehotels Münster

innenstadtnah und idyllisch.

Kleines modernes Hotel, ruhig am See gelegen und doch fußläufig zur Innenstadt.

Bismarckallee 47 | 48151 Münster
Zum SeeZeit Hotel

persönlich und individuell.

Modernes Tagungshotel am oberen Ende des Sees, ganz nah an der Promenade. Hier starten Sie den Tag mit Blick in die Natur und sind ruckzuck in Münsters lebendiger Innenstadt.

Bismarckallee 5 | 48151 Münster
Zum agora Hotel

Terrassensaal (patio hall)

We look forward to you. Book now!
We look forward to you. Book now!
We look forward to you. Book now!

With a size of 135m², the patio hall offers the ideal setting for events of medium size. The hall belongs to the premises of the Lake Aa canteen and can be booked during the lecture-free periods on request.

Enquiry Equipment Prices

Technical equipment

  • Partially acclimatised

  • ELA-Microport system

  • Projector

  • Screen 3 x 3 m

  • Video/DVD player

  • Lectern

Details and equipment

Chair arrangement

Parliamentary - 60 Pers.
Rows of chairs - 120 Pers.