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Die Aaseehotels Münster

innenstadtnah und idyllisch.

Kleines modernes Hotel, ruhig am See gelegen und doch fußläufig zur Innenstadt.

Bismarckallee 47 | 48151 Münster
Zum SeeZeit Hotel

persönlich und individuell.

Modernes Tagungshotel am oberen Ende des Sees, ganz nah an der Promenade. Hier starten Sie den Tag mit Blick in die Natur und sind ruckzuck in Münsters lebendiger Innenstadt.

Bismarckallee 5 | 48151 Münster
Zum agora Hotel


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We look forward to you. Book now!
We look forward to you. Book now!


Münster has a high density of culture. In addition to distinguished institutionalised culture, the independent scene is traditionally strongly represented. For lovers of the theatre and cabaret and for music fans, numerous ensembles and stages present themselves with an absolutely diverse and lively program.

Here is just a small selection:

As the largest and most traditional cultural institution in Münster, the Theater Münster with its five branches – musical theatre, drama, dance theatre, concert and young theatre – sees the transmission of this diversity to a broad audience as its central task. In each season, around 30 premieres and 600 performances are on the program in the Big House, the variable Small House and the new U2 venue. They have a broad program of the familiar and new – from the great classics to premieres and first performances.


The Wolfgang Borchert Theater has been an integral part of Münster’s theatrical landscape since 1958 and is one of the oldest private theatres in Germany with a broad repertoire of plays for all ages and target groups. The repertoire includes comedies, children’s plays, theatre experiments and much more.


The Theater im Pumpenhaus, founded in 1985, is one of the first independent theatres in Germany. With a large stage area and the external Hoppengarten production centre, the pump house is today one of the largest production centres for independent performing arts in North Rhine-Westphalia.


The Boulevard Münster, Westphalia’s unique boulevard stage, offers an amusingly delightful program with first-class actors.



Experience Münster

Are you interested in the history of Münster? Then get to know the city centre on a guided tour: A two-hour stroll through the lively old town with a qualified tour guide. Highlights such as the town hall, the Lamberti Church, St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Erbdrostenhof await your visit.